Sublime Forum

How to add multiple build systems in a single file, as on the project file?


How to add multiple build systems in a single file, as on the project file?

On my project file I have this:

            "name": "Galileo Installer",
            "cmd": ["galileo.bat", "$project_path/plugins/addons/amxmodx/scripting/galileo.sma", "galileo", "$packages"],
            "name": "Install Multimod Plugins",
            "cmd": ["sh", "$project_path/installers/"],
            "name": "Install Multimod Server",
            "cmd": ["sh", "$project_path/installers/"],

However, if I do the same on the build file as file.sublime-build:

    "name": "Galileo Installer",
    "cmd": ["galileo.bat", "$project_path/plugins/addons/amxmodx/scripting/galileo.sma", "galileo", "$packages"],
    "name": "Install Multimod Plugins",
    "cmd": ["sh", "$project_path/installers/"],

It does not work. Currently I am using variants:

    "file_regex": "^.*[\\/\\\\]+(.+)\\(([0-9]+ ?.*)\\) : (.*)",
    "cmd": ["sh","$packages/Amxx Pawn/","$file", "$file_base_name", "$packages", "$file_path"],

            "name": "Build AMXX Plugin (Linux/Cygwin)",
            "cmd": ["sh","$packages/Amxx Pawn/","$file", "$file_base_name", "$packages", "$file_path"],
            "name": "Build AMXX Plugin (Windows/Bat)",
            "cmd": ["$packages/Amxx Pawn/AmxxPawn.bat","$file", "$file_base_name", "$packages", "$file_path"],

But I do not want to 3 entries on my build list as the first is just repeating the second:

I could create two .sublime-build files to solve this, but it is too annoying have so many files just within 3 or 4 lines. Currently the sublime-project allow what I am wanting. However here I am not configuring a project, but a package. Therefore, how to write a sublime-build file with several build systems as on the .sublime-project file?

Posted also on:

  1. $1643 To add multiple build systems in a single file, as on the project file

Linking files (C++) using build system