Sublime Forum

How can I start a new find_in_files tab with the old one exist?


i searched some keywords and got a file_in_file tab. then i seached another keyword,but the result is in the bottom of the old search result.

i hope to create a new find_in_files tab.

btw. clone the find_in_files tab can solve this problem in some way but is a bit trouble

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you could move the tab to a different/new window, or change the name of the tab so it won’t be reused:

with the Find Results tab active:
View -> Show Console
view.set_name('My Find Results') Enter


Open every new search result in a new tab/window
Drop down Window menu : include project folder in the title for "Find Results"
Improve Find Results Page

thx a lot
I used this plugins on Unsaved TabName Bug?
and solved the problem

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class NameUnsavedTabCommand( sublime_plugin.TextCommand ):
	def run( self, edit ):

		window = sublime.active_window()
		file   = self.view.file_name()

		if file == None:
			window.show_input_panel ( "Enter Tab Name", "", get_TabName, None, None )

def get_TabName( userInput ):

	view = sublime.active_window().active_view()

	unsavedTab_Prefix = "* "
	unsavedTab_Suffix = " *"

	view.set_name( unsavedTab_Prefix + userInput + unsavedTab_Suffix )
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