Sublime Forum

Highlighting color


sorry if this was answered- i tried and could not find a solution to the following:

Currently I have in my user settings
“highlight_line”: true,

is there a way to change the coloring(background) on the highlight_line in ST3?



You can find the setting in the color scheme file (.tmTheme): look for lineHighlight, the below is the color.



thanks for your help- this is going to sound stupid again, but I can not for the life of me, find this file on my computer. I looked in my local\sublime text 3 folder and everywhere else.



basically I guess I cannot find these .tmsetting files at all of the default theme (e.g. Monokai)



It is not obvious :stuck_out_tongue:
Look in your ST3 install directory (something like C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3) : there is a “color Scheme - default.sublime-package”. You can unzip this file and here you will find the monokai.tmTheme .
In your package directory (do a browse Packages inside sublime text to locate it), create a Color Scheme - User directory, copy the tmTheme file and do your personalisation.
Maybe there is an easier way that does not involve copying the file, but I don’t know.

By the way: Monokai is very basic and missing a lot of color definition for highlighting some language specific stuff. You can have a look at Sunburst or Solarized which defines a lot more stuff.



ok great- yea i was looking at the package file and did not realize i had to unzip it! thanks so much, this was killing me



With Sublime 3 the need to dip in package archives is quite common. @skuroda has put together a package that makes it painless to do so from within Sublime: … urceViewer



Did as per Clams suggestion, and got my “Mac Classic.tmTheme” file inside a “C:\Users\claud\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Color Scheme - User” folder, AND selected Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Color Scheme - User -> “Mac Classic” from within ST3.

Then made this change:


and even restarted ST3. Expected to see either the selected text or background turn red, but to no avail. Am I missing something?

BTW, that was for testing only: I need to change the text and background color for the FIND highlight, to make them suit my global screen inverter.

Can anyone help? Thanks.