Sublime Forum

High CPU on OS X on 3200 with .git folder in ~



I’ve updated to 3200 in the last few days, and have noticed that I’m sitting at around 60% CPU all the time.

I’m on Mojave, everything else is up to date.

I did some poking around, and it seemed to be doing a lot of looking at files, in the git thread. I notice that Sublime Merge showed the working dir as “~” up in the menu bar, when I hit “open git repo” on the right click menu in the side bar of Sublime Text.

I noted that I had a .git directory in my home directory with some junk in it - not valid git repo data, just some config files. I think Sublime Text spots that, and thinks that my whole home dir is a big git repo.

Perhaps Sublime Text needs to validate that any “.git” directory needs to be checked as valid, before it is used as a flag that a git repo exists here?



good news - SublimeHQ have previously indicated that this will be fixed in the next build :slight_smile:

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Ahh great - I couldn’t see anything obvious, but, I may not have been looking in the right place :slight_smile:

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yes it can happen perhaps you are ,looking in wrong placed



This thread should probably be merged with a much larger thread

about abnormal CPU usage after upgrade to build 3200