Sublime Forum

HiDPI Scaling on Mac VM


I have Sublime 3 (latest dev build) running on a High Sierra VM through VMware Fusion. When I run the VM enabling HiDPI, everything looks fuzzy but not out of the ordinary. When I enable HiDPI, everything except Sublime scales correctly. Like it’s way too big for the frame.



Sublime Text seems not to be able to recognize the virtual machine HiDPI, you can look into these issues about it:

  1. DPI detection doesn’t work in some Linux distros
  2. How do I enable HiDPI support on Linux (KDE DE) How do I enable HiDPI support on Linux (KDE DE)

Then after reading these threads, you can try to manually set the correct DPI on your user settings file:

    // UI scaling factor (hidden setting)
    // Common values are: "1.0", "1.25", "1.5", "1.75", "2.0"
    "dpi_scale": 1.0,