Sublime Forum

Hats off for this attention to detail


Sublime Text has been my programming editor for over 3 years now, in fact I use it for almost all my text editing, only emails are done elsewhere, even this post is being written in it.

I have only just noticed a very minor feature (more a piece of behaviour than feature actually) and wondered whether or not others have noticed it too. When you double click on a word that word will get selected - we all know that - but if, while performing the double click, you move the mouse fractionally to the left, when the word is selected the selection’s direction will be right-to-left instead of the usual left-to-right.

Have I been a little slow on the uptake or have others failed to notice this for ages as well?

As an aside; it’s this kind of immense attention to detail that makes ST stand head and shoulders above its rivals.

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To describe it slightly differently, in a more reproducible manner:

  • double left click on a word and keep the left mouse button pressed on the second click
  • move the mouse left or right to control whether the cursor ends up at the beginning of the word or the end of the word
  • release the left mouse button

I think this feature/behavior has always been there :slight_smile:



OMG - that’s so cool, I never realized you could do that. It woks with triple clicking to select the whole line as well (keeping the button pressed after the third click).

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That is pretty much a standard feature. Try doing the same thing in your web browser - it behaves in the same way.



Oh, works in my browser too. Super ashamed not to know this. You wouldn’t think I’ve a BSc in Computer Science and AI. :blush:



It is not easiest maneuver to pull of consistently. That is probably why not many people know about it.



It’s not so hard to pull off. Just left click on any selected text, drag, drop.

The double click sets a selection to a work. You want a line, triple click.



I made that statement without reading that close. Yes, it is actually easy to pull off; my mistake.