Sublime Forum

Goodbye Sublime Text


Another logical fallacy. You’re on a roll tux!



Please answer my question. Why do you want me to let people pick their tools while calling me a troll for not choosing Atom?



I want you to understand logical thinking. For your own sake. You’re not a troll for not choosing Atom. You’re just a troll. You took a perfectly fine and interesting thread, and you trolled it up like you always do.



I want you to explain which of my statements can be misunderstood as “trolling” and why.






qed, indeed. Thanks for your insightful remarks, now everyone can see who of us is contributing valuable input and who of us is just calling names. Thank you.

“Boo-hoo! tux. is a troll!”
“What did I do?”

:smiley: Made my day.



[quote=“tux.”]qed, indeed. Thanks for your insightful remarks, now everyone can see who of us is contributing valuable input and who of us is just calling names. Thank you.

“Boo-hoo! tux. is a troll!”
“What did I do?”

:smiley: Made my day.[/quote]

I’m the original poster, and by “great community” I didn’t mean people like tux. Could a moderator please stop this?



Could the “original poster” clarify what he’s trying to blame me for?

Assume the next moderator here will see this thread. What do you think he will see? If I was that moderator, I’d see a bunch of Atom fantrolls trying to bash an Emacs user for stating that Atom’s browser engine is basically a browser engine.

Great community you have there. :mrgreen:

-edit- Oh, btw @dinkit, insulting people per PM does not validate your point of view.



I never said Atom is a browser. I said it is built upon a browser (which is undeniably true as its preview rendering is displayed inside a browser window). Please read the source code before accusing me.



I educated myself. I’ve even used Electron. I know what it is capable of. What about you?

No, Electron is not a browser. Yes, Electron contains a browser which is responsible for the majority of Atom functions. A browser is the most infected software on desktop computers. By the way, as you forgot to read my posting again before answering, I don’t actively use Sublime Text or its potentially harmful packages anymore.

I guess the joke is on you, my friend. But I know, that will NEVER happen to YOU!
Good luck.




I believe the concensus in this thread is that the joke is on you. I understand your urge to have the last post, and that you think you understand something everybody else in the thread doesn’t.

Too bad the actual content of this thread got lost in your puke.

Signing off. Have a good one…



If ten people who are wrong agree that they are right, does that make them right?

Good night.



If any of those ten people could finally begin to point out where I’m wrong instead of just shouting “troll!”, threatening me via PM and insisting that I’m wrong, this thread could have been finished a few pages earlier. Interestingly, none of them does. I guess I know why.

“You are a troll!” is not a valuable addition to a constructive discussion unless it is followed by “because” plus an actual evidence for trolling (which is defined as intended destructive behavior, and I promise you I don’t intend to behave destructively here).
“You are wrong!” is not a valuable addition to a constructive discussion unless it is followed by “because” plus an actual reason where/why I’m wrong, preferably including a proof for the false statement that Atom’s core is not a browser.

By the way, I don’t understand why people are personally pissed when someone dislikes Atom’s concept. I smell some bias here. Why can’t you accept that other people don’t like it? And why do you think it’s appropriate behavior to come to Sublime Text’s forum and attack people who don’t switch to Atom?






Just letting you know, if I had been a moderator, this thread would have ended right here.



I don’t have time to delete spam and watch every thread (manually) I’m afraid.

This is the end of the thread.



Come on guys and gals, you’re adults.

By the way, I’ve removed some of the reported posts from this thread because they are either completely off topic or offensive.

Sublime is a tool, if you use it, then awesome we’re happy to have you on board. If you don’t, that’s awesome too. Using one editor or another doesn’t matter, so long as you can be as productive as humanly possible and enjoy using the tool you’ve chosen.

If you don’t like how Sublime HQ deal with communication, that’s understandable, people complain all the time. If it’s stopping you from using the editor then we understand too. You don’t need to keep kicking off about it, it’s very likely not going to change anything. I can’t speak for Jon, but I imagine it adds even more pressure to him and he stays away for longer - I know I would.

Now, please play nicely and respect each other or I’m going to start dropping the ban hammer.

Aside note; PM’ing a user and calling them a nazi is not appropriate ANYWHERE.

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Sad to say in my office they uninstalled sublimetext3 installed Atom Editor, they told stupidly atom is opensource more powerful then sublimetext3 and opensource also. also.



We had months of this kind of threads, everyone had opportunity to express,many times. I think was enough, can this be closed please?


closed #46