Sublime Forum

Give me a reson why is worth to buy sublime text?


I don’t expect any killer features. But there are small issues, and bugs here and there that frustrate me knowing that they’ll never be fixed. Have a look at the issue tracker and you’ll understand.



70 bucks is a drop in the bucket for someone working in the professional field of development. Considering what Sublime Text brings to the table as a simple text editor but a very powerful one is one of its best selling points and price justification. The beauty of this topic is you are not forced to buy or even use Sublime Text, there are many other alternatives that might suite your needs better(price, ui, features etc…).

Even for someone who does a ton of freelance, 70 bucks is again a drop in the bucket. How would you feel if your freelance clients came back to you and started to whine like a 2 year old they don’t want to pay your hourly or project fee, they want it for 1/2 or even a 1/4 of the price. No one is twisting your arm, use what works best for YOUR workflow and budget, if you’re a cheapskate and want everything for free perhaps you should allow clients to get your time for free.

…SMH… :unamused:



$70 is too much for abandonware



I think the answer to this question is pretty simple: Are you using Sublime Text?

If you are, it’s obviously “worth” it for you and you should pay for it.

If you’re not, it’s clearly not worth it and you should move on to something that fits your needs better.



Very true, the value of software can change over time.



I’m also new to Sublime and would like to ask- is there a way to make Sublime more user friendly to non-programers?
I’m trying to open some saved text files and they are showing ‘programing syntax’. I copy & paste a lot of text from wikipedia/excerpts from sites on OSXs Text Edit.
I am now looking for a good tabbed text editor as I have tons of .rtf & txt files.



I’m also new to Sublime and would like to ask- is there a way to make Sublime more user friendly to non-programers?
I’m trying to open some saved text files and they are showing ‘programing syntax’. I copy & paste a lot of text from wikipedia/excerpts from sites on OSXs Text Edit.
I am now looking for a good tabbed text editor as I have tons of .rtf & txt files.[/quote]

If you’re talking about the gui then no, sublime text’s gui isn’t extensible at all. But I don’t think there’s a lot to remember to use sublime text well. control-shift-p gives you all commands, it’s good enough for non-programmers.

Sublime text only edits text, not rtf btw.