Hi guys,
First of all this forum has been of the best help for a new sublime developer. Have gained immense knowledge here.
I had a new query. Just like sublime snippets do we have any option to create field markers in plugins.
I have a plugin where I use a value which I need the user to change as per his/her requirement.
import datetime, getpass
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class LogcurrentCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
rg = self.view.line(self.view.sel()[0])
self.view.insert(edit, rg.end(), "\n""/**""\n""Task : Task Description")
Please ignore my coding as i am new to this. Let me know if i could improve further as well…
My query is if I can change the Task Description wording as per user requirement just like we can do in snippets.