There’s a setting to change the mouse scrolling speed, how can I change the arrow key scroll speed though? ctrl+down/up and normal up/down are useful as they are, but say I want a modifier like alt+down/up to make the arrow scrolling 4x faster. Might be ideal to have some kind of exponential speed for this as well so when you hold down for longer it goes faster and faster which is ideal if u have a ways to scroll, but that’s not as important right now.
Right now I have it setup so alt+up/down is pageUp/down but that’s not the same thing. Like say I want to travel from the bottom to a custom zone near the top of my screen without shifting the screen…i have to just wait for the up/down arrow keys to sloooowly get there. I’m trying to stop using the mouse as much cause I’m finding it slows me more than the keyboard does.