I want to use st’s fonts (EmilbusMono, Consolas, etc) on my website, but I don’t see .ttf files with such name in st’s install directory. How can I extract such font families as single .ttf file that I can include in my website or anywhere I want. I want such files to be simple .ttf file (font face files).
Tried searching in sublime_text.exe and in plugin_host.exe and in all .dll files and other .exe binary files by .ttf signature in order to extract fonts I want, but without luck. Where is st storing such fonts and how can I extract them all into a stand-alone portable .ttf file?
Maybe st is storing fonts encrypted or packed? So in that case st must somehow unpack it in order to use the glyphs from the font file. I ran sublime_text.exe with debugger and made several memory dumps, but nowhere found any .ttf file signature. Where are emilbus_mono and consolas font stored? How to extract them and convert into ttf files.
I also asked this on github, but I dont see replies there. Here I am asking too.