Sublime Forum

DoxyDoxygen: An alternative to DocBlockr


An idea: as DoxyDoxygen try to preserve commenting style.
If you type “///” and press Alt+Q you will have the expected behaviour for C# without changing your configuration
You simply have to put a specific trigger ENTER on context “///”, call the Alt+Q function… Job done !

… or wait for a future version



Current version have now your expected behaviour with default settings



Today, a short tutorial in slovak has been created:

… and the official documentation has been updated (with tips)



Is there a list of “parsers” that can be used when defining your own profiles and block layouts. So far every attempt to make my own (i.e. JavaDoc) causes a fatal error with a report.



Available doc-styles are:

  • ApiDoc
  • AsDoc
  • Base
  • Doxygen
  • Drupal
  • GoogleClosure
  • JavaDoc
  • JsDoc
  • PhpDoc
  • SassDoc
  • Sphinx
  • XmlDoc
  • YuiDoc

You can extend DoxyDoxygen by plug-ins. Available doc-styles using plug-in are:

  • HeaderDoc

Available parsers are:

  • LanguageBase
  • LanguageBash
  • LanguageCpp
  • LanguageCSharp
  • LanguageGeneric (support more than 40 programmings languages)
  • LanguageJava
  • LanguageJavaScript
  • LanguageJson
  • LanguagePhp
  • LanguagePython
  • LanguageRust
  • LanguageSwift

List of support langguages may be found here:

As JavaDoc is “default” doc_styles, you probably write something wrong in your “profiles” settings.
Or switch “parsers” and “doc_styles”

"profiles": [
    "languages":  [ "java" ],           # sublime text signature
    "parsers":    [ "LanguageJava" ],   # parsers names, first is best
    "doc_styles": [ "JavaDoc" ],        # doc_styles names, first is main one, others are only used to add "completions"


Additionnal informations (because this topic is really old)

DoxyDoxygen now also provide:
- inline translation services (bing, google, yandex, baidu, yaidu, mymemories, hablaa…)
- smart description generation
- documentation generation
- Python docstring support
- Php FQN (Fully Qualified Name) support
- …



Just tried this and I’m stunned at how comprehensive this package is. Amazing work!!!



What is ? It looks like DoxyDoxygen, the Menu entries, settings and everything else refers to DoxyDoxygen.



It’s the same package, but with a different name. Entries here.

I’m strongly opposed to allowing package aliases like this and the submission was not reviewed because it was inside a custom repository. Unless @wbond and @ThomSmith would like to allow aliases, @20tauri, please refrain from submitting your package more than once and remove the alias. You can of course add a previous_names entry in your DoxyDoxygen package to have users of the aliased package continue receiving updates from the actual package.



Initially the package was slightly different in shortcuts (to match DocBlockr).
Because it was hard to maintain, now the binairies release is the same.
I’ve hesitated to remove it, but kept it because the alias is more used than the official name.

I agree @FichteFoll, if everybody duplicate entries. It will be a nightmare…
I have just removed the alias… Will desappear on next Package Control refresh

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By the way, instead of a separate package in DoxyDoxygen (evolution) I suggest using the pre-release feature. Users can then opt into having Package Control install pre-releases through PC’s setting (install_prereleases). You just need to add another release to the package’s releases with a pre-release version. Refer also to

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Thanks. This recommendation cannot be applied directly.
I need to release a 1.0.0 first according Package Control Documentation

Package control not seem to highlight that a prerelease exist for a package.
Not really convenient for final users.
To find a package that implement this feature I have query the package control cache (may be because I miss something).

For example, this feature is used by “Rust Enhanced”.

    {"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "2.11.0", "date": "2018-04-22 11:21:44"}, 
    {"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "2.11.0-prerelease", "date": "2018-04-22 11:21:44"},
    {"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "2.10.0", "date": "2018-03-02 11:16:28"},
    {"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "2.8.0", "date": "2018-01-28 16:20:50"},
    {"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "1.3.2", "date": "2017-05-04 19:22:33"},
    {"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "1.2.5", "date": "2017-03-16 12:35:12"},

In this example, I don’t understandand why “url” is different for “release” and “final version”
I also don"t understand the benefict of referencing old versions.



It does show on the package info page on, but only if a prerelease exists. In order to prompt users to use the testing version, you have to inform them yourself via update messages or the readme, for example. The number of packages that use prereleases is fairly small.

I don’t understand what you mean with this.

Iirc it was indended to allow for downgrades and to provide the client PC enough freedom to select an eligible version in case of version or platform restrictions. As far as I understand, it is rarely used but it doesn’t hurt providing old releases.



For the second point, in the following example I don’t understand why “” is not simply “”.

{"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "2.11.0", "date": "2018-04-22 11:21:44"}, 
{"sublime_text": ">=3000", "platforms": ["*"], "url": "", "version": "2.11.0-prerelease", "date": "2018-04-22 11:21:44"},

I suppose that Package Control will prefer 2.11.0 instead of -prelease when exist.
I also suppose that the both “url” may be the same. Even if there’s no reason to to that

Is the following live cycle correct ?
From a 1.0.0, I want to do a beta. I create a 1.0.1-prerelease. When beta validated, I remove the “-prelease” suffixe. All users will have the same version (no longer need to preserve the prerelease entry)

Thanks again for all those suggestions and informations !



Yes and yes. The pre-release there is just an older version (much like 2.10.0 would be). You could have a url be shared between releases, though there is no point in doing that as one of the releases would most likely be redundant.

Your proposed life cycle is correct.
If you want to use multiple pre-release versions, you would be releasing e.g. 1.0.1-beta.1 and then increase the number for each new beta release. Note that due to an implementation detail in the database sorting, 1.0.1-beta.10 errorneously has higher precedence than 1.0.1-beta.9, should you ever end up needing 10 beta releases. The workaround is to use 91 as the next version after 9.



As expected, since I have removed the alias, the number of download has significaly decreased (divide per 3, as the alias was used more that than the officla name).
Feedbacks about this plugin are usually good even if download count is low (<30k)… A lot of users have requested me to port it on VSCode for example because it’s the only service they can have with they now editor.

I don’t know how to increase the visibility of this module…
It’s hard to find a “good” package using Package Control
For example, many C++ programmers have tried DoxyDoc before testing DoxyDoxygen… And sometime, they don’t remove it and they report me problems that are in this plugin (see Know issues). Perhaps somtime, they simply consider my plugin as buggy and left it… I don’t know…
Because of this, it’s hard to provide the best user experience using Sublime Text

Perhaps my best option is to introduce a new package “DocBlockR to DoxyDoxygen” using the “dependencies” tag and adding a command to translate DocBlockr settings to DoxyDoxygen ones… Don’t know.

For now, because this topic was originally about DoxyDoxygen. The version 0.60.0 is now out with a better Solidity, Clojure, JsDoc3 and PhpUnit support (all new tags are now recognized)



I’m not sure if the download statistics on are joined on renames or merges, though that would seem like the only reasonable explanation for the dramatically decreased installation counts. It may, however, be something else if this ends up not being the case.



I can’t be 100% sure, but when I was looking at these two packages I’m sure I saw Dockblockr_with_update having something like 15K installs and DoxyDoxygen having 11K installs which was part of what made me wonder why, if they are the same, one with the conflicting name would have more installs. Since the name change DoxyDoxygen now has 26K installs, which to me looks like the total of the previous two.

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I confirm. Even if the alias was more recent, the download count was greater than the official name. That’s why I have preserved the entry when I’ve decided to merge the “DocBlockr” specific version and the main one.

A rating system or “similar plugin” suggestion system may be a good improvement of Package Control.

On the DocBlockr forum, we can find user that look for similar projects… And as already said, many developpers that contact me have already tried DocBlockr and DoxyDoc…
Why DocBlockr_Python has many more download than AutoDocString ?

As the number of download has too drascally decreased (and like the plugin seem to fulfil a need). If nobody disagree, I will probably reintroduce, at the and of the week, a “DocBlockr over DoxyDoxygen” plugin (a special edition of DoxyDoxygen with a different keybinding). I will remove it once the “DocBlockr To DoxyDoxygen” plugin will be ready.
Not great, but probably the best option.



Unfortunately I don’t really have time to look into this issue right now, but the code that handles renames is at Hopefully that should illuminate the issue (which I think has to do with install counts?).