Awesome plugin. SL2 now more closed with an IDE , love it and thanks!
It could better if have pre-loaded default packages, classes from *.jar libraries.
Awesome plugin. SL2 now more closed with an IDE , love it and thanks!
It could better if have pre-loaded default packages, classes from *.jar libraries.
Hi! Is this plugin still being developed? Iām very interested in these functions, but I canāt get it to work in the latest versions of ST2. I suspect its the new autocomplete functionality in ST2 that breaks it. Anyone know how I can fix it?
Sorry, I kinda lost track of maintaining this plugin for the past few updates. Iāll push a fix in a bit though. Thanks for the heads up.
Should be fixed now. Let me know. If the functions arenāt popping up right away, though, press control+space.
Iāve been using your plugin, but it isnāt putting the parameters into the function like it is supposed to. Iāve been looking through the code and I canāt figure out how youāre adding the parameters. Could you care to explain how your plugin is working?
Well your plugin works fine for adding the parameters, but not when writing test classes. So I have a project set up with main and test packages and if Iām writing in the test class and I put a period, it says
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 362, in run_
File ".\", line 34, in run
File ".\", line 91, in get_obj_type
File ".\", line 73, in get_return_type
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\workspace\\testing\\src\\main\\java\\com\\thing\\thing2\\thing3\\'
I subbed String in there for a real class name, but it happens no matter what.
I actually forgot to submit this comment, and now after about 3 hours I have figured out how to make this work while writing in test classes too. I donāt know how to make changes to stuff on github, so here you go, I added several lines to the make_filename function and I added another function to iterate through the folders.
[code]def make_filename(self, classname):
this_file = self.view.file_name()
dir_len = this_file.rfind('/') # (for OSX)
if not dir_len > 0:
dir_len = this_file.rfind('\\') # (for Windows)
this_dir = this_file:(dir_len + 1)] # + 1 for the '/'
this_dir = re.sub(r"\\test.*", r"\\main", this_dir) #added this to move back to main directory
for i in self.locate(classname + ".java", this_dir): #added this to find the class in the directory
this_dir = i
return this_dir
def locate(self, pattern, file_path):
'''Locate all files matching supplied filename pattern in and below
supplied root directory.'''
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(file_path):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern):
yield os.path.join(path, filename)[/code]
My colorscheme (a modified version of IR_Black)
I donāt remember what theme I was using in that screenshot. Currently I use Soda ā Dark though.