Sublime Forum

Dev Build 3137


Japanese input with IBUS still broken.



The following messages appear in the console:

Errors parsing theme:
icon_folder is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_folder_loading is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_folder is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_folder is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_folder_loading is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_folder is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_folder is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
(repeats a few more times)
icon_file_type is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility
icon_file_type is missing layer0.opacity, setting to 1.0 for backwards compatibility

So do the themes and icon package need to be updated?



You don’t need to post this on every build. I am aware that IME issues will need some attention, but it won’t be happening in this dev cycle.

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This issue has been ongoing since 2012:

What does it take to get a fix?



On Windows (7), it seems like the font "Consolas Bold" is not rendered as bold any more, just slightly larger than normal "Consolas"



is there any chance we could get MiniHTML parse errors in the console to display a call stack (traceback) or show that it is a MiniHTML related parse error please?

>>> view.show_popup('<')
Parse Error:  code: Unexpected EOF

i.e. I’d be easier to debug if it said

MiniHTML Parse Error:  code: Unexpected EOF
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>


At this point you’ll have to wait until a dev cycle where I can spend some time unravelling the myriad of libraries, options and implementation requirements related to IME on Linux and Windows. We have some cursory implementation right now that sort-of works with scim on Linux, but apparently something about the API calls we are using doesn’t play nice with IBUS, and we don’t currently have a way to show the preedit string.


Support chinese input method
Japanese IME input on windows no longer working after build 3126
Type Japanese into sublime
Make Japanese input in ST more convenient

Thanks, I’ll check it out

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I have noticed when I do a Preferences -> Font -> Reset that Sublime removes the font_size option from my user preferences file.

Is there some way to stop this from deciding to fall back to global font_size options?

When I do Preferences -> Font -> Reset I expect Sublime would reset the font_size from some value NOT defined in my user preferences to the value I have defined there.

I don’t know any other application than simply terminates user preferences like this :expressionless:



You can replace the menu entry with your own implementation which do what you want to.
But I do not know I easy way of just replacing one menu entry without override the whole default menu.

Perhaps this should be a feature request on the default menus. They could add some tags to each menu entry, and if the user defines a configuration file which specifies that tag, that menu entry is overwritten.

Or you could just write a command call My Default Font Reset and add it to the command palette and call it when you fell like.



The command that does this is reset_font_size, which is in Default/ As you mentioned, by default it erases the customized setting from your user preferences, which takes it back to the default given in the default settings. You can modify this behaviour as you see fit, which is one of the great things about Sublime.

For example, you can install PackageResourceViewer and OverrideAudit, and then follow these steps:

  1. Select PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource from the command palette
  2. Select Default
  3. Select
  4. Replace the ResetFontSizeCommand code at the end of the file with the code below
  5. Save the file and close it
  6. Add a setting to your Preferences.sublime-settings named default_font_size and set it to the font size you want to use by default

Optionally you can replace the default font size of 12 in this code with a setting of your choosing; this sets what the font size gets set to when the new setting is not present.

class ResetFontSizeCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
    def run(self):
        s = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings")
        default = s.get("default_font_size", 12)
        s.set("font_size", default)


Now the menu command will replace the settings in your user preferences with your configured default. The install of OverrideAudit will warn you if future updates to Sublime make changes to the Default/ file that you modified, so that you can incorporate any new changes.

Note that this command will have no effect if you have a syntax specific setting for font size (e.g. make the font in html files smaller than other files), because in those cases the font size isn’t coming from the preferences. The potential complications of the interactions of various settings is probably one of the reasons this works the way it does by default.



I use the plugin Revert Font Size to prevent this very thing.



Hi, I seem to be able to consistently induce a crash in dev build 3139 whenever I have an open parenthesis followed (not necessarily immediately) by an ó character in the “Find” box (with regular expressions on). It happened when I typed “d(o|ó”, didn’t happen if I closed the parenthesis first before adding the ó in between, but then did happen if I subsequently typed another opening parenthesis at the start. I’m trying to work so I haven’t checked other non-ASCII characters, but either way, clearly some sort of regex bug here.



Build output window doesn’t seem to scroll on output any more with 3139 on Sierra.



I have that too. First thought it was on successful builds, but it doesn’t seem to auto-scroll at all anymore.



Regards to IBus, it has serious issue from 1.5.
They had removed three methods, enable(), disable() and is_enable() in InputContext class.

This is the expected result. IBus won’t have the disabled mode. IBus switches xkb engines and input methods instead: I think this way is similar with the current Mac OS and the Chrome OS.

So almost Japanese users left IBus.

You can forget about IBus.
It is not Input Method anymore, it is just IME switcher now.

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I appreciate the replies about the font_size being removed from the User Preferences. But it really shouldn’t require a custom plugin to stop bad application behaviour.

The User Preferences should be immutable to the application. Only changed by the User.



The application SourceTree used to do unwelcome messing with my .gitconfig file and so I set it to read-only at the filesystem level.



You don’t have to use a plugin.

Put your font settings in another Preferences.sublime-settings files, not the one in User dir:
-Create a \DefaultFontSettings\ subdirectory in your \Sublime Text 3\Packages\ directory.
-Create (or copy) Preferences.sublime-settings to this directory with your default font settings:

	"font_face": "Hack Regular",
	"font_size": 11,
	"font_options": ["directwrite"]

-That’s all.