Sublime Forum

Dev Build 3071


Yes, I agree about img. Didn’t think about these applications before… :smile:

Also understand that Jon is not going to add all html tags. It would be good to know about his plans though so we don’t spent time implementing work arounds.
For the other things, maybe the community can come up with functions that format lists, tables, code (pre tag) etc. in a useful way.



Maybe support could be added for the embedded format recognized by Chrome and Firefox. For example, paste the URI found here into either browser and you should get the base64 encoded PNG.



I completely understand why some tags and CSS would be a pain to implement; I realize this isn’t all trivial stuff. I am okay with working around quite a bit of it. It will limit what can be done via tooltips, but people will adapt. I think if I had a list of things I would really like, it would be:

  • img

  • lists (CSS is so limited, it would be nice to just get actual lists as I am not to sure how easy to implement good lists would be with such limited CSS)

  • background-color
    to work on inline elements, probably some other CSS stuff as well because CSS is very limited here, but I would have to think about what is most important.

I could maybe live without tables, but they would be nice, but I understand if this just wasn’t going to happen.



Another area that I’d like to see more development in 2015 is Folding and Wrapping:


  • Right now folding is based on indentation which does not cut it most of the time.
    Although users and plugins can manually fold a region of the text but it’s impossible to add a
    fold-able region and get disclosure triangles in the gutter through syntax definition
    (tmLanguage files) or tmProperties files.

  • Disclosure triangle and ... images used in folding should be customized based on the background
    color of the color scheme. Just like what’s done in the default theme to change the color of tab close buttons (x) in the tab bar. AFAIK, it’s not possible at the moment.

  • It should be possible to add auto folds with no ... for things like converting function to f (MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL F).
    It’s a really nice feature in Emacs that I’d like to see in Sublime in future.


  • It should be possible to define smart wrapping rules through syntax definition. Textmate 2 has
    done some cool stuff in this area. For example when wrapping a list or block-quote in markdown
    you want the smart wrapper to know about the punctuations like *, - and > and indent the
    lines so that the texts are aligned.

- a sample long list item in a markdown file gets wrapped like this at the moment

while it should be smarter and wrap it like this:

- a sample long list item in a markdown file should get wrapped like this in future



These are planned FWIW



With regards to COOPERATE_WITH_AUTO_COMPLETE, the intention is that the popup is displaying information relevant to text in the buffer, not to the selected item in the auto complete window. e.g.,

foo(arg1, arg2|)

Auto complete would be showing completions for the current word, but the popup in this case could be displaying information about the parameters that foo accepts.

I’d like to provide a way for the AC popup to show extended information about the currently selected item, but it would work via a different mechanism than view.show_popup().

1 Like

API Suggestions

[quote=“aziz”]I saw this line

in the changelog and thought you might have fixed this bug I reported a couple of days ago.
but I still have this bug![/quote]

It’s a different issue, but I do have yours on the list of things to look at




  • lists (CSS is so limited, it would be nice to just get actual lists as I am not to sure how easy to implement good lists would be with such limited CSS)

  • background-color
    to work on inline elements, probably some other CSS stuff as well because CSS is very limited here, but I would have to think about what is most important.

These are planned FWIW[/quote]

Really looking forward to the coming dev releases. Having inline elements with background colors will allow me to style the color picker plugin I’ve started the way I had envisioned it worked.




  • lists (CSS is so limited, it would be nice to just get actual lists as I am not to sure how easy to implement good lists would be with such limited CSS)

  • background-color
    to work on inline elements, probably some other CSS stuff as well because CSS is very limited here, but I would have to think about what is most important.

These are planned FWIW[/quote]

Nice :smile:.



Not sure if this is the right place to put it, but I have another feature request:
The Elastic Tabstops plugin currently adds spaces to align tabs, but it would be really neat if we could define real tabstops (rather than just tab widths) and to do this on a per-line basis. I understand that this might not be real high priority, though :smile:



in the changelog and thought you might have fixed this bug I reported a couple of days ago.
but I still have this bug!
It’s a different issue, but I do have yours on the list of things to look at[/quote]

How about this major bug: ?
I mentioned it on your return post, but did not get any response.



Since I updated one of my Linux boxes with build 3071, ST3 takes like 25 seconds to startup, anyone else noticed something like that?

It doesn’t happens in my OS X by the way.



A trivial to implement feature: … -settings/



[quote=“simonzack”]A trivial to implement feature: … -settings/[/quote]

New windows are opened using the same size as the last window, I don’t plan to add a setting to change this.




[quote=“simonzack”]A trivial to implement feature: … -settings/[/quote]

New windows are opened using the same size as the last window, I don’t plan to add a setting to change this.[/quote]

But they aren’t, on my windows & linux new windows always opened with the same small size no matter what size the editor window is. I’m on build 3065.



Not really, sometimes things are forgotten (when remember_full_screen is set true). Here is a repro (I’m on Win 8.1):

  1. resize a window to whatever size you’d like
  2. make the editor full screen
  3. close the editor (while full screen; we’re assuming there is only one instance here)
  4. when you reopen the editor try to open a new window
  5. Admire the full screen size window (but not maximized)


Not really, sometimes things are forgotten (when remember_full_screen is set true). Here is a repro (I’m on Win 8.1):

  1. resize a window to whatever size you’d like
  2. make the editor full screen
  3. close the editor (while full screen; we’re assuming there is only one instance here)
  4. when you reopen the editor try to open a new window
  5. Admire the full screen size window (but not maximized)[/quote]

I can not reproduce this on Win7. I need to maximize the window between 1 and 2. This also leads to the following, which shows the underlying issue better:

  1. resize to any size
  2. maximize the window
  3. enter full screen mode
  4. leave full screen mode
  5. un-maximize window and get the “full screen size but not maximized” window

I believe this also makes the new window pop up in fullscreen because the dimensions of the initial window were changed.



I can reproduce neither iamtnz’s nor FicheteFoll’s scenario: neither sequence of steps got me a full-size-but-not-maximized window. Windows 8.0, single monitor setup.



Here is a full video:



The Windows fullscreen-but-not-fullscreen window size after toggling a maximised window fullscreeen should be resolved in the next build.