Sublime Forum

Cursor pointer error


i’m using sublimetext 2.
OSX 10.9

when i typing korean.
and mouse click some other place.
and continue typing korean.
then the letters showed old place.

like down this.



I’m not familiar with the Korean input method or how it is used in Sublime Text, but I notice that every character is selected until you have confirmed the glyph you want. And the last character is still selected/unconfirmed when you click away from the Korean text. So I suppose you should confirm it, maybe by pressing return, before moving the cursor elsewhere.

One could argue that Sublime Text should do this automatically if the cursor is moved away from the active text. Does anyone know how other editors handle this?

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[quote=“manuzcom”]i’m using sublimetext 2.
OSX 10.9

when i typing korean.
and mouse click some other place.
and continue typing korean.
then the letters showed old place.

I have similar problems with BIDI (hebrew) where Sublime seems to be confused about a lot of stuff. Is better i18n support worked on?



Seems this issue hasn’t been addressed yet. Please take a look at this issue. The caret is supposed to be detached on clicking other spot but it obviously is still attached to the last character. It goes same when focus moves away from ST to other application, it never let the last character go.



Hey, I have the same problem. Did you ever fix this problem? it is really annoying. cursor is not where it should be!
It is only affected in sublime text on mac.



i have the same problem



Hi! @pietro
I reported this issue on github. Here is the github issue.
please comment about your issues there too. If there are many people with same issue people should know so that it’ll get fixed soon.
