Sublime Forum

Clang (C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++) autocomplete


Hi !

I can’t get to work sublimClang.
I’ve followed the tuto for the and copy it in the root directory of the package, put I get the error message :

[code]"It looks like couldn’t be loaded. On Linux you have to compile it yourself, or install it via your package manager. Please note that this plugin uses features from clang 3.0 so make sure that is the version you have installed.

Once installed, you need to copy into the root of this plugin. See for more details."[/code]

I’m runnig sabayon. I’have clang3.0 installed and I get the .so from “/usr/lib/llvm/”

any idée? thanks



Try putting it in /usr/lib/



same problem



What’s printed in the sublime console?



[code]Reloading plugin /home/zaibon/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/SublimeClang/
Reloading plugin /home/zaibon/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/SublimeClang/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./clang/”, line 117, in get_cindex_library
return cdll.LoadLibrary(“”)
File “/opt/SublimeText2/lib/python2.6/ctypes/”, line 431, in LoadLibrary
return self._dlltype(name)
File “/opt/SublimeText2/lib/python2.6/ctypes/”, line 353, in init
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d’objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
error: It looks like couldn’t be loaded. On Linux you have to compile it yourself, or install it via your package manager. Please note that this plugin uses features from clang 3.0 so make sure that is the version you have installed.

Once installed, you need to copy into the root of this plugin. See for more details.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 57, in reload_plugin
File “./”, line 33, in
from clang import cindex
File “./clang/”, line 1233, in
_clang_getNumDiagnostics = lib.clang_getNumDiagnostics
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘clang_getNumDiagnostics’
found 9 files for base name Default.sublime-keymap
found 6 files for base name Main.sublime-menu
theme loaded[/code]



My french is rusty, but it looks like your depends on Try putting that file in /usr/lib also and repeat as needed until there is no more “.so” files listed in an error message like that.



Fixed !

copying “/usr/lib/llvm/” into the root directory of the Package did the trick !

thanks for your work ! Now I can fully switch to SublimText.



Cool, I’ve updated the readme with information on for other users if they run into this problem, thanks for letting me know



The plugin is wonderful!
Finally get this plugin working for Objective C project with the following change to the options: ( you might want to change some of the path to fit your sdk/project )

    "add_language_option": false, // I set this to false and added -ObjC so that .h file will be parsed as Objective-C even when the syntax selected as c/c++; alternative choice is to force all .h open as Objective-C

    // Any options you want to give to clang
        "-isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk",

A wish list (no pressing):

  • parsing configuration on per project basis, currently it seems not possible as the plugin load setting by sublime.load_settings(), maybe consider read it from view.settings() as well?
  • showing a “syntax error” indicate for the view on the status bar (view.set_status(“clang”, “Clang: Syntax Error”))
  • command to navigate through error positions
  • option to show error panel only when check after saved ( a bit annoy when it keeps show up when writing code )


Thanks for the suggestions, I’ve opened up feature request issues on the project page so that I don’t forget about them.

If any one else suggested something and it’s not implemented already, please let me know or file a feature request issue for that yourself.



MikeSmith and freewizard, Per project settings is now possible. See here and here for more details



Shortcuts starting with ctrl+d works quite well on Mac but on Windows they interfere with very useful expand selection shortcut.




Thank you for this excellent patch! Seems to be working properly on Windows, Sublime x64 build.

There are certain issues with Clang not being able to properly parse MS headers, but that’s something else. Also for some reason I cannot settings / sublimeclang_options in .sublime-project … it does not work. However modifying options in SublimeClang.sublime-settings (adding compile options, include paths, etc) seems to work.

Thanks again, pretty awesome.



The cache isn’t cleared when modifying the project settings, so you might have to issue a manual clear cache for the project settings to take effect.

There are some command line options related to parsing MS headers, see



Sublime normally uses 64MB after start. With this plugin it quickly raises up to 800MB. :smile:
Is it the price I have to pay for using this plugin or something might be wrong? Granted, the project I’m working on is quite big.

BTW. Another question. When I have header file opened, usually the “Go to implementation/definition” won’t work. Is that normal? I suppose that plugin works in context of opened file only and then resolves all includes from here. In which case it’s probably normal as only cpp file includes the main include with all configurations.



It could be the price, it could be something wrong. I’ve not investigated, and probably won’t unless I notice memory usage drifts higher and higher (in other words a definite memory leak somewhere).

It’s a compiler so it works with the current file only. If you don’t include the definitions needed for that specific file, then the compiler does not know about them and can’t go to the definition.



I tried it out on a reasonably big project, and when I opened about 15 files, it was using 4GB of RAM. From what I saw of the source, it just accumulates translation units in the cache and never flushes them out?



They are flushed when you close the file or you can do it manually via “alt+d,alt+c”.



BTW, you might also be interested in setting:

[code] // If set to true will warm up the cache for supported files
// when they are opened
“cache_on_load”: false,

// When set to true a reparse command will be triggered
// when a view is activated
"reparse_on_activated": false,

// When set to true a reparse command will be triggered
// when a view is saved
"reparse_on_save": false,

in your SublimeClang user settings. This way the file is only parsed when you trigger an auto complete event or a go to definition/implementation request. You’ll have to wait for a couple of seconds while the file is being compiled though.

You might also want to tweak the following value to something other than the default:

// This is the bitmask sent to index.parse. // For example, to be able to go to the definition of // preprocessed macros, set it to 1, for using an implicit // precompiled header set it to 4 and for caching completion // results, set it to 8. Or all together 1+4+8=13. // // See // and // for more details "index_parse_options": 13,



What do you think about only keeping the N most recently-activated TUs in memory? Or even better, the N most recent megabytes worth of TUs? Another idea is to persist the TUs to disk when they are unloaded from memory so it won’t need to recompile the file the next time it’s opened/activated.