Sublime Forum

Can't open directory in sidebar--not symlinks


I am trying to open a directory with files in it in the sidebar. It looks like this:

I can see the contents of dcos, but not dcos/agents. dcos/bootstrap, dcos/mlb, or dcos/mlb_external.

I have seen reference to symlinked directories, but these aren’t symlinked. They have linky-icons for some reason, as does dcos/masters, but I can open that.

I have permission to see them. They’re on my laptop:

0m22s 👍  $> ls -ld terraform/aws/dcos/agents
drwxr-xr-x  7 jstoner  469997118  238 Sep 27 14:53 terraform/aws/dcos/agents
22m43s 💩  $> ls -la terraform/aws/dcos/agents
total 48
drwxr-xr-x   7 jstoner  469997118   238 Sep 27 14:53 .
drwxr-xr-x  17 jstoner  469997118   578 Jan  5 15:16 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 jstoner  469997118  5668 Sep 27 14:53
-rw-r--r--   1 jstoner  469997118   597 Jul 19 15:11
-rw-r--r--   1 jstoner  469997118    66 Jul  6  2017
-rwxr-xr-x   1 jstoner  469997118   268 Jul 19 15:11
-rw-r--r--   1 jstoner  469997118   469 Jul  6  2017 userdata.yml
[ jstoner@ch-nb-3030:~/repos/terraform ] meltdown-fixes

I also can’t seem to get to them with pretzel-P.

I have opened them in the past.

I don’t see a reason I shouldn’t be able to open those directories. Any ideas?



I suspect the inodes of those folders are all the same, so ST thinks it has seen them before and skips them. Maybe check the ST console for messages.
see also:




scan: /Users/jstoner/repos/terraform/terraform/aws/dcos/mlb_external has been seen before, skipping (using inode) previous path: /Users/jstoner/repos/.terraform-bak/modules/3b3a7988b62f0600e65ef171b013966e inode: 5799887

interesting… something is making hardlinks. Weird.