Sublime Forum

Can't install new packages on build 3126


You do have falcon eyes.
Worked. Thanks.



It’s a Package control issue.
Follow steps described in the link. It worked for me

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This worked for me …been struggling with it since so long…thanks

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I am going to try to fix whatever I wrote there:

You are right, however the package control is very robust. I do not recall much problems with it, and in about 5 in minutes Package Control should be able to completely reinstall all my settings and packages without any problems except maybe for this:

Sorry for this last part, I just have no ideia what it does mean.

Some years ago I had written these steps on how to do a complete clean install, but the old post nowadays does not seem very well structured. Then, I tried to rewritten a little these steps. Anyone new having problems can either try to revert everything at once, or do a few packages or settings at a time. This way you should be able to know if there is some Sublime Text package causing this problem.

Try following the steps from and see if it fixes the problem. If reversing Sublime Text to a clean state fixes the problem, then, you can try gradually to reinstall all your Sublime Text packages in hope to figure out what packages could be causing the problem:

  1. Close Sublime Text.
  2. Backup your whole Sublime Text data directory. (see here where your data directory is)
  3. Delete all contents from your data directory.
  4. Open Sublime Text and install back Package Control:
    • Wait it be completely installed (some times it ask you to restart 1 or several times, then just do it until finish all restarts).
  5. Close Sublime Text.
  6. Inside your data directory, create the directory YOUR_DATA_FOLDER/Packages/User, if it already does not exists.
  7. From your Sublime Text data backup directory, copy the following directory contents:
    BACKUP_FOLDER/Packages/User to YOUR_DATA_FOLDER/Packages/User
    • If coping everything at once does not solve the problem, try to do this one settings by one, so you know what package could be causing the problem.
  8. Open the file YOUR_DATA_FOLDER/Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings (not use Sublime Text to edit).
    • Check if there are some packages on the in_process_packages array. If so, remove the packages from the “in_process_packages” array:

             "bootstrapped": true,
                 "Package Control"
    • And add them to the "installed_packages" array:

             "bootstrapped": true,
                 "Package Control",
    • Do not forget to add a trailing comma after the last package name on the array "installed_packages", before merging them. If the array "installed_packages" does not exist in your Package Control.sublime-settings, just create one like the above example.

    • If installing all packages at once does not solve the problem, try to do this one package by one, so you know what package could be causing the problem.

  9. Open Sublime Text and Package Control should start installing all your packages.


Hi, I’m still struggling to install packages even with all this help. Here is my Package Control.sublime-settings:
“bootstrapped”: true,
“Package Control”,
and my Preferences.sublime-settings:
This is what the console tells me:
Package Control: Error downloading package. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host returned an invalid certificate ([SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert protocol version (_ssl.c:548))) downloading
error: Package Control

This error has happened with every package I have attempted to install so far (this has also included SideBarEnhancements, for reference).



Sorry - I did delete “Predawn” from in_process_packages before I ran this, so assume that there are no in process packages when I get this error.



What version of Sublime Text are you using?