Sublime Forum

Cannot find a VBScript debugger. Could I create one from another debugger Plugin?


I’ve searched and searched and cannot seem to find a VBScript debugger plugin for Sublime Text. Would it be possible for me to use an existing debugger plugin/package and transpose it so to speak?

  1. is this idea possible/reasonable?
  2. It appears to me that Sublime Text is written in Python (not certain). Do I have to write it in Python?

I’m familiar with VBScript, C#, Java, and Javascript. I suppose Python is probably a matter of syntax and googling (LOL)?




##Check out:

#Sublime Linter
#Sublime Linter Plugins
#Sublime Linter / Creating A Linter Plugin



This should tell me what I need to do to create a VBScript debugger plugin?



I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to do, but SublimeLinter is my best guess without a more detailed explanation or examples.

Here are some videos that show what SublimeLinter does:

Sublime Text Tutorials #19 - How To Use SublimeLinter 3

( I linked this video to 6:38, where the demonstration starts.  Check out the beginning for setup info. )

How to Catch Your Errors in Sublime Text 3

( This video has some info that the previous one doesn’t.  There’s also some good info on the written part of the page, but all of the image links are currently broken. )

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The missing basic functionality thread

This is definitely possible but not trivial. I suggest looking into other debugging packages and their source before you start working on your own (or derive it from an existing one). Your biggest hurdles will be proper integration of the debugging library you want to use (if that even exists) and integrating that into sublime text’s UI.

ST is written in C++ and extendable with Python. Python by itself is a fairly simple but powerful language, I’d say, and easy to learn, even for beginners.
That said, a debugging plugin is most certainly not for beginners, but if you’re dedicated to it, don’t let your dreams be dreams.



Hi FichteFoll:

I’m familiar with C#,, VBScript, Java and some Javascript. A majority of my work is in VB based applications and we have a need for an editor much like Sublime Text. For VBScripts we have been using VBSedit, which is the best and logical application. It compiles, debugs, the whole gambit. HOWEVER, our company will no longer support using it and is pushing us to use Sublime Text, which is well and good, but now we have to customize it

There in-lies the issue. So, I’m trying to learn the how to put this debugger together and then we can use this application. There is a huge hurdle 1) because I’m not familiar with Python and 2) because of this some documentation becomes presumptuous and vague because of my lack of familiarity.

Anyhow, I have no option but to make this work. Since I understand Java syntax, I thought that I may be able to translate what I need to do in emulating an existing debugger, but Python appears to be doing the work and not the Java… so I’m hindered some. I think I can snag a library related to VBScript, the issue is just getting it to interact and coding it correctly to do so.

Any further suggestions or thoughts are welcome. This isn’t the biggest hurdle I’ve ever faced, but as you said, “don’t let your dreams be dreams” and there is a need.
