Default behavior on double clicking is highlighting the word and it’s other instances in the file (and I use it a lot) and would not want to be without it.
BUT, now I’m creating a plugin where I want the double click behave differently, but only in one special buffer.
So I have a plugin like:
class MySpecialDoubleclickCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
if self.view.name() == "mySpecialBuffer":
which runs fine…
But when I assign it to the double click it just calls my code. Is there a way to make it call my plugin and also the default behavior one?
This is how I assign the double click in the Default (Windows).sublime-mousemap :
"button": "button1", "count": 2,
"command": "my_special_doubleclick"
I know I can assign modifiers like ctrl+alt, but I rather just have the double click…
thanks in advance