Sublime Forum

Build System Bug?


It seems build systems do not check whether or not their target commands are enabled.
I’m on OS X 10.10.5, using Sublime Text build 3114.

With a build system as follows:

	"cmd": ["cmd"],
	"target": "target"

and a target command as follows:

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class TargetCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
	def is_enabled(self, cmd=None):
		return False

	def run(self, cmd=None):
		print("TargetCommand ran with %s as the argument." % cmd)


>>> window.run_command("build", {"build_system": "Packages/Package/BuildSystem.sublime-build"})


TargetCommand ran with ['cmd'] as the argument.

as output in the console.

Is this behavior intentional?

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same behavior in Windows 7 with ST3 3120. I’m guessing that the scope selector is normally considered enough to determine whether a build system is applicable or not.

What is your use case, out of interest?

It might be worth reporting it here:



I was just working on my own version of and didnt want multiple instances of the plugin trying to run simultaneously in the same window. And good idea, just reported it.

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