This feature doesn’t work - doesn’t show any ‘popup’ How to enable?
Also new in 3124 is Show Definition, which will show where a symbol is defined when hovering over it with the mouse.
This feature doesn’t work - doesn’t show any ‘popup’ How to enable?
Also new in 3124 is Show Definition, which will show where a symbol is defined when hovering over it with the mouse.
What syntax are you trying this with? Generally it should work with function and class names – we don’t currently index variables in the default packages. If you are using HTML and CSS, it should work for classes and ids.
I have a licenced copy of ST3 on Windows 10. I upgraded to build 3124 this morning.
With the project I had open (about 10 files open all PHP code) I spotted that there was approximately 10 instances running taking up 50% CPU in total.
I restarted ST and it opened two instances each taking up ~20% CPU.
If I close the project and restart ST then it goes back to one instance with basically 0% CPU usage. I’ve tried with two separate projects and opening either of them causes two ST instances each taking up 20% CPU.
I tried the advice in Why is Sublime using significant CPU when idle? and renamed the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Index
folder, but this made no difference.
Your issue seems unrelated to the OP. Please see Sublime 3124 eat up my CPUs for the likely answer to your question.
Ah - sorry from the title I assumed this was a general ‘Build 3124’ problems thread.
Hi, Will!
Want to inform that the feature now works all right. Don’t know how it happened that it began to work correctly but it is ok now. Very convinient
Great feature, but is there a way to have it show the sass reference(s) instead of css?