i wonder if i’m doing it wrong but ST just doesn’t let me type or insert into a block selection the way i’d want/expect. Coming from jEdit i’m used to this: if i select some block in the buffer, jEdits pads all lines which don’t have any chars at that column with whitespace… thus if i paste in or start typing, it’s at all lines at the column i wanted/selected. ST however will let me do this only if there actually is code at that column in any given line… if not, the curser in that line will be after it’s last char…
It’s a bit hard to explain, so i made a short screencast comparing both behaviours: dl.dropbox.com/u/10220684/screen … insert.mov
So my question is: is it my fault, am i doing it wrong (tried all kind of key combos though), or is it just the way it is? If the latter: how about implementing such beaviour as a option?