Sublime Forum

Autocomplete suggestions do not automatically appear


I am not sure which particular setting I changed but now autocomplete suggestions appear only when I press CTRL+Space.

How can I rectify this to have autocomplete suggestions appear automatically?

autocomplete packages enabled:

  • All Autocomplete
  • DictionaryAutoComplete
  • Autocomplete Javascript with Method Signature
  • FileSystem Autocompletion

Sublime Text 3 build:

Mac OS X 10.11


	"auto_complete": true,
	"auto_complete_cycle": true,
	"auto_complete_selector": "meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc",
	"auto_indent": true,
	"bold_folder_labels": true,
	"caret_style": "solid",
	"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
	"detect_indentation": true,
	"font_face": "Consolas for Powerline",
	"font_size": 15,
	"highlight_line": false,
	"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
		"Cucumber Step Finder",
		"Fizzy Theme",
		"JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets",
		"Markmon real-time markdown preview",
		"Oceanic Next Color Scheme",
		"Package Syncing",
		"Poppins - Color Scheme",
		"Rails Developer Snippets",
		"Theme - Cyanide",
		"Theme - Faarikaal",
		"Theme - Minimal",
		"Theme - Soda",
		"Theme - Spacegray",
		"theme switch",
		"View In Browser",
	"line_padding_bottom": 3,
	"line_padding_top": 3,
	"overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled",
	"save_on_focus_lost": true,
	"tab_completion": true,
	"tab_size": 2,
	"theme": "Cola.sublime-theme",
	"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
	"word_wrap": false


The settings "auto_complete_delay": 50, does it on 50 milliseconds. Some package may be overtiring it, so put it on your settings file.

If not work, backup all your settings and revert Sublime Text to a clean state and test if it is working. It should, then start installing your settings until you find out what is breaking it.

Some useful links:

  1. Complete clean install proceedings
  2. Reverting to a clean state (backup your data)


  1. There is not ctrl+space on OS, but cmd+space IIRC.
  2. When I am on commentaries they do not pops up here. I do not know why or if it is good.


In my case, I had to add text, comment, string to auto_complete_selector in my settings:

"auto_complete_selector": "text, comment, string, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc"

to my settings.

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