In case anyone else is having issues implementing this & needs a temporary workaround, I wrote:
a plugin command that executes
. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Win + F15 -
an AutoHotkey script that sends the above key-combo and then reloads SublimeText. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Win + S
The windows reload instantly, but there’s about a 5-second delay for ST to be fully functional since ALL plugins & modules have to reload.
( maybe more or less depending on the amount of plugins you have installed )
def EXIT ( window ):
window.run_command ( "exit" )
@ Plugin/Default.sublime-keymap
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+super+f15"], "command": "my_plugin", "args": { "MODE": "EXIT" } },
@ restart_SublimeText.ahk
#SingleInstance Force
#IfWinActive ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
Send, ^+!#{F15}
Sleep, 200
Run, "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe"