Sublime Forum

After recent update I see LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED


This was poorly done. It motivated me to check elsewher, luckily I found this text editor that seems to be equivalent.



Thanks, I tried it out. Sadly it felt like I was running an IDE in my computer. As in slow and bloated. That is a bad place to be for a text editor. It should be fast and lightweight. Luckily I found this text editor that seems to be better.

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I used to use Atom as well. It was pretty much the same as Sublime Text, minus a few things.



Price is not an issue. You completely missed the point of what I said.

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Yes, I want to chime in here too. My update to ST4 was installed by way of the Sublime Text repository on openSUSE. As a result, it was updated automatically as part of a wider system update - no notification, no choice, nothing. It’s simply not OK to deliver an update like this, and demand money off the back of it. Is ST3 even still available in this repository to allow people to downgrade?

As far as actually paying for the licence upgrade - I completely get the need for everyone to continue to be paid, and to support product updates. However, I think you need to make this much more attractive price-wise for long-standing licenced users - a tiny discount isn’t much of an incentive to upgrade.

I’m really disappointed in you. This has been badly planned, and your long-standing users feel upset with you for not properly thinking this through.

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I will also chime in. This way of updating licensed software and try to force users to pay afterwards without proper notice is not ok. I’ll rollback to v3 and use VS on going.



You sure about that? You people continue to validate my statement. As seen below:

Example A

Example B

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… without proper notice. There would not have been a problem if the dialog had a clear statement telling that it was a payed upgrade and not a minor release. I pay for software all the time, but make a Update (Yes / No) -> Yes -> Money is not ok. Having Pay for Update (Yes / No) -> Yes is perfectly fine. Why should I get angry after an update, that is not fair to me as a customer.



Yes 100% sure. I’m not sure why you’re on here trolling people and defending this update. Do you have nothing better to do?



I guess everything is said, SHQ has admitted and excused that the update workflow was “suboptimal” and will be reworked for future releases. It is documented how to easy and non-destructive revert to ST3.

Fact is: It has happened and there is no way to make the update-propagation undone. I see no more reasons to be complain about it again and again here.

The only thing left to say is imho: Enjoy ST - whether it is v3 or v4.



I didn’t see that message from SHQ. I guess it is ok, but still I don’t see why I should not tell my dislike of how this was. I was so annoyed I created an account to tell SHQ that it was unfair. I still get the trouble of downgrading and doing stuff I don’t care about.

If you are happy why are you even here in this thread ?



I was surprised about the silent ST4 update, as many, but could revert easily (Windows portable version). As acknowledged by the devs this strategy was not optimal, but everybody makes mistakes.

I will likely stick to ST3 as the 80$ upgrade feels a bit hefty for me. Let’s see when and if ST3 will be replaced by time.

Have a nice day. :]



You write that like it was a hard and long task to do a simple downgrade. You aren’t making website in a server or installing Windows in various machines. Changing from ST3 to new ST or viceversa is literally a click away with the installer. You can run both side by side. The whole thing about being mad at this forced update is a facade to hide the simple fact that you don’t want to pay for a new license.

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Lol at all the virtual signalers on here saying that being surprised by all of the people extremely surprised to see this. Sorry that I do not actively peruse the forums for the text editor I bought and have been using since 2013 that was for a lifetime license.

I do not want active development on the editor. I do not need any new support, I like how it works and I bought it to support the developers then who built it, not to keep supporting new feature development on an editor that I prefer for it’s simplicity.

I’m not opposed to paying people for their work of course but I’m not asking for anymore work. I didn’t even want to upgrade I only did it because you prompted me to upgrade and then things broke.



In all honesty, people like to complain about anything. Lets say the update was not pushed, but ST4 announced. You would have people in the forum asking for the update. And still complaining that they need to pay a license for it.

Fine, you are entitled to keep using the old version and have the bugs that come with it.



Are you employed by Sublime Text in some way or are you just here trying to troll people in the comments?

No one asked you if I was entitled to keep using the old version and I have no bugs that affect me with it so unless you have something meaningful to add why don’t you consider not responding to people trying to express frustration over a clearly deceitful upgrade.



I certainly hope not. If he is, they should be made aware of how he is treating customers. If he is an employee and this is how they treat customers, this is definitely a good reason to move on to a different tool. He also shouldn’t be so cavalier about people moving to another tool. Employee or not, this tool needs funding (obviously) and if enough people stop using it for nice, free editors like Visual Studio Code, this project WILL die.

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I believe most employees will also be moderators. I don’t know if there are exceptions or not. It’s a shame that employee status is not more visible here in the forum. @bschaaf is probably the most common employee you see on these forums.



There is a moderators group on the forum. Will (wbond) & James Brooks (jbrooksuk) are moderators, but not employees (Will having left SHQ recently). I can’t view Jon’s (jps) account, I guess he must have left the forum or something. Dylan is an employee (but not a moderator). I am not sure if David & Tim are a part of the forum. Ben (bschaaf) is both an employee & moderator.

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Thanks for the clarification! They really need an employee group, if nothing to let people know who they are talking to. I feel like Sublime HQ must elect certain people to be the forum people as you mainly only see bschaaf (wbond also used to be an official presence before he left the company).

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