Sublime Forum

Add directional argument or flag to view.find


If you want to find the next occurrence of something in a plugin, it’s effortless.

If you want to find the previous occurrence of something in a plugin, you have to use find_all and do a binary search. Presumably there’s a performance cost associated with it as well.

I assume it would be easy to add an argument that allows the find to run backward instead of forward. If so, please add it.

And, sorry, I admit I saw the feature request from 2012, but I just wanted to put it out here again: it would make a big difference.

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Searching backward

Where is it?

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Actually I found something from 2010 just now.

And I am now remembering that I asked about it in 2014 when I first got into Sublime Text.

2010 link on this topic



Where you asked in 2014?
Does it is already asked on the Core Issue tracker?


If it is not already on the Core Issue tracker, you may report it there linking this thread as reference to keep the issues organized.

