Sublime Forum

Jon what is the future of Sublime Text?


I simply paraphrased what the Sales FAQ says. I’m not implying anything about your use of ST.

If it helps, I’ve been using ST happily since 2009.In the beginning, releases happened weekly or even daily. After a few years and a more mature project to develop, it’s only natural that the pace slowed down. And in spite of the sparse communication from Sublime Hq other than related to reported issues, versions keep being released.

No amount of reassurance from anybody will help predict the future, though.



[quote=“guillermooo”]I simply paraphrased what the Sales FAQ says. I’m not implying anything about your use of ST.

If it helps, I’ve been using ST happily since 2009.In the beginning, releases happened weekly or even daily. After a few years and a more mature project to develop, it’s only natural that the pace slowed down. And in spite of the sparse communication from Sublime Hq other than related to reported issues, versions keep being released.

No amount of reassurance from anybody will help predict the future, though.[/quote]

Thanks, I appreciate your responses. I realize that given the nature of how the developer handles himself, there’s no guarantees. That’s unfortunate, though, as it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m not suggesting he start a Twitter account and provide instantaneous feedback, but I don’t see what’s so difficult with weekly or at least monthly updates. Especially when there’s potential customers involved.

Thanks again.



Just to clarify, my mention of a hypothetical ST4 was merely a comment on how this discussion feels a bit like my memory of the year between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 (which brought the ST3 announcement).

I agree, and I am glad you and other plugin developers have followed. I think the work of the plugin developers is part of the reason ST has been as successful as it has.



He is waaaay ahead of you:

It’s unfortunately just another channel he doesn’t respond too.

What an ignorant company.



What an ignorant company.[/quote]

Frustration does not excuse insults. Why would you do that? ST is a quality product, they’re clearly capable.

I get the feeling that ST will continue to grow and receive support, but this is definitely the kind of thing I shouldn’t have to rely on a “feeling” for. The dev/company’s community involvement (i.e. support and dev updates) should be more than the occasional “look out, nightly dropping soon” updates. That kind of attitude is common on open source/freeware projects, so I understand where’s it coming from. In those situations, the lack of communication is justified with, “Hey, I only have so much time to volunteer, would you rather I spent it writing email/tweeting or coding?” Adopting those attitudes for licensed software is inappropriate.

I hope the dev/company comes around on this, as it’s really good software from what I’ve used of it. The Goto Anything is so slick.



That probably explain why I have no answers on my support request mails and why there are 1000’s of unanswered posts on this forum.




That probably explain why I have no answers on my support request mails and why there are 1000’s of unanswered posts on this forum.[/quote]

Fair enough, I’m wrong. Your point goes toward the inconsistent attitude, though: you get freeware support with your licensed software. I wish they’d resolve that, but who knows. I hope this thread results in more concrete statements on the future of ST, though I’m not optimistic.



sigh, these discussions get sooooooo repetitive. I love ST!



Lots of us that are concerned about ST’s future love it as much or more.



Many are already starting to switch from Sublime to Brackets: … ts-editor/

I prefer Sublime, but the guys behind Brackets are doing a much better job with the communication thing and are already capturing the minds of developers with their product. It is also free.



[quote=“Evoken”]Many are already starting to switch from Sublime to Brackets: … ts-editor/

I prefer Sublime, but the guys behind Brackets are doing a much better job with the communication thing and are already capturing the minds of developers with their product. It is also free.[/quote]

Thanks for the tip!!! Brackets seems like an excellent alternative. The rumors about Sublime turned out to be true as I had no luck with getting support… so I am not paying when I get a decent open source alternative for free.



Brackets is only for web dev, right?



That’s how they “sell” it, but it is after all just a text editor, so I am actually editing C++ files just fine.




That’s how they “sell” it, but it is after all just a text editor, so I am actually editing C++ files just fine.[/quote]

Does it have a vim mode or vim plugin?



Indeed. That’s why they communicated tens of millions of user data.
[size=50]PS: I know it’s not mantained by Adobe anymore, but I doubt they completely give it away. [/size]




Indeed. That’s why they communicated tens of millions of user data.
[size=50]PS: I know it’s not mantained by Adobe anymore, but I doubt they completely give it away. [/size][/quote]

Frankly that has nothing to do with Brackets. That security breach affects your account in Adobe’s website and/or people with Creative Cloud account. You do not need and Adobe acount or to provide your personal info to use Brackets and as the Brackets sites says “Brackets was originally created by Adobe, but is maintained by the community”.



Hi jon,

Could you please elaborate on some of the issues raised before I purchase??? I find it very strange that you (or your company) have not answered my mails.



The arrogance of this company is unbelievable. I have sent support emails and asked for replies here. Any critical questions are apparently sent to /dev/null

I just decided I am not a customer.



[quote=“Kaniken”]The arrogance of this company is unbelievable. I have sent support emails and asked for replies here. Any critical questions are apparently sent to /dev/null

I just decided I am not a customer.[/quote]

Wow, just wow. You sound like Arjan with your “you must respond to me personally, even if you are just going to say the same thing that you’ve already posted in the forums!” attitude. Personally, that’s one of the points of the forum. So Jon doesn’t have to repeat himself over and over again, and can focus on actually getting things done on the editor itself.

So, I looked through your posts, and the only “support” question you asked was regarding printing. You also asked about the future of sublime. These are two topics that Jon has avoided in the past, other than to say that he continues to work on Sublime (in fact, a new ST3 dev release came out today). So, in answer to the second question, Sublime is alive and well, and still in development. Jon has not abandoned it. Second, the printing issue. This has been a point of contention in the forums for quite some time. Some people think it’s unconscionable to have a text editor that doesn’t print. However, have you considered how difficult it is to create a good cross platform printing solution? Someone in this thread mentioned turning to Brackets because in their frustration with Sublime, but I don’t see a printing feature in that editor, either. In fact a number of programmers text editors omit printing. TextMate did, Brackets too. I don’t know if this is still the case, but to print in Emacs, you used to generate a postscript file and then send that to the OS printing system. While this is certainly not the case for everyone, for me printing is one of least used features. I’d prefer that Jon work on things that are likely to be used on a daily basis and make those daily use features rock solid. I haven’t printed any code for months, while I’ve used multiple cursors, snippets, autocomplete, and plugins on a daily basis. Printing may eventually come, but there are work-arounds. The question you need to ask yourself is, are you paying for an editor to print code? Or, are you paying money for an editor to EDIT code? Personally, I get more done with editing.



So why the incredible amount of unanswered posts? Why all the complaints (surely not just from me…) about lack of communication? Why don’t I get e-mail replies?

Sublime is alive, but not so well.


…Long irrelevant rant…]

So, I looked through your posts, and the only “support” question you asked was regarding printing.[/quote]

My support questions were e-mailed since I was about to purchase. I got no replies. Also, I didn’t start this thread.