Sublime Forum

How to map ctrl+m as enter, in command palette


I have been trying to map some of the basic terminal-style key bindings to sublime text,
e.g. C-f / C-b / C-n / C-p for navigation, C-h as backspace, and C-m as enter.

My attempts have been successful for most situations but for one: I could not
find the “confirm” (or equivalent) command to be bound to ctrl+m in command palette.

I tried calling sublime.log_commands(True) in console to view the command
called with each keystroke. You will see that there is no direct command
associated with the enter keystroke, instead calling the specific command registered
in the command palette.

I use autohotkey to bind ctrl + m as enter as a temporary measure, but I really
wish to solve it within sublime text. Is it possible?

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as far as I know, this isn’t currently possible (unless every plugin was modified to add support for it). Similar requests for quick panel keybindings have been made here:

quick panels in general aren’t very easy to work with from plugins or keybindings atm:



Thanks for the reply. Really hope sublime can one day support this kind of bindings.



What operating system do you use?